Please spay and neuter your pets!
Here is a list of programs available to Maryland residents that provide low cost spay and neuter programs.
SNAP, Inc. 302-838-6996 snapinc@yahoo.com
Animal Rescue, Inc. (on the MD/PA line) PO Box 35 Maryland Line, MD 21105 717-993-3232 Email: AnimalRescue@aol.com
Baltimore County Animal Shelter Baltimore County residents can get low cost spay/neuter for dogs and cats at the Baltimore County Animal Shelter. You can learn all about it and request an appointment online here.
To schedule an appointment, call 410-887-PAWS (7297) or send an email to spayneuter@baltimorecountymd.gov for assistance.
SPCA/HS of PG Co. Low Cost S/N Clinic 301-324-0807 Call for directions and hours
Animal Welfare Society/Howard County 8556 Davis Rd., Columbia MD 410-465-4350
Low-cost spay/neutering program; low-cost shots, heartworm and feleuk testing at time of s/n.
Montgomery County Humane Society 14645 Rothgeb Dr. Rockville, MD 301-279-6999
Low-cost spay/neuter program for use by people with low incomes.
Montgomery County SPCA PO Box 637, Gaithersburg, MD 20880 301-948-4266
Frederick County Humane Society 550 Highland St, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 http://www.fchs.org 301-694-8300
Baltimore Humane Society 1601 Nicodemus Rd. Reisterstown, MD 21136 410-833-4480 or 410-833-8848
Maryland SPCA 3300 Falls Rd. Baltimore, MD 21211 410-235-8826
Check their webpage for news about Maryland SPCA's low-cost spay/neuter certificates for use at participating vet clinics -- and free services available from their mobile Neuter Scooter!
Humane Society of Charles County P.O. Box 1015 Waldorf, MD 20604 (301) 645-8181
Help for residents of Maryland, DC, and Virginia.
Last Chance Animal Rescue Two low cost spay/neuter clinics:
The Waldorf Well Pet Clinic 301-885-0263 4499 Leonardtown Road Waldorf, MD 20691
The Spay Spot 301-254-8151 3750 Brown Station Road Upper Marlboro, MD 20772